®International Charitable Fund "GIFT OF LIFE"



Gift of Life includes two mobile clinics which travel throughout Ukraine.

Gift of Life provides medical and dental assistance free of charge mostly for children and physically and mentally challenged.

Medical bus

Personnel: Two pediatricians and a nurse
  • Provide professional examination and diagnosis
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Analysis of capillary blood for sugar / hemoglobin, cholesterol etc.
  • Urine testing
  • Vision and hearing screening
  • Blood pressure screening with recommended treatment
  • Dermatoscopy for diagnosing skin lesions

After examination doctors provide conclusions, educational information and prescribe medications.

Medical examination and diagnosis

Vision screening.

Dental bus

Personnel: Four dentists
  • Professional examination
  • Cleaning and fluoridation of teeth
  • Sealing of fissures in teeth to prevent cavities
  • Extraction, detection of cavities and repair with anesthesia
  • X-Ray
  • Root canal surgery, with repeat visits, when in Ternopil

Dental Care

Dentists teach proper hygiene (brushing, flossing) especially for the young patients which raises their parent’s awareness.

After exams, Dentists provide conclusions and recommendations. Patients with serious dental problems are referred to specialists.


MCOW is equipped with computers and software for registration of patients, storage of information, compilation of reports and inventory. Data is stored for statistics and research.

On average 25-30 patients are examined per day in each bus. Mostly disabled, orphans, soldiers (returning from the front) and their families, physically and mentally challenged, large families and other needy people. The list is not exhaustive and depends on the needs of the area visited.

MCOW locates in about 15 different places during the traveling season and more than 5,000 patients are examined in each bus each year to total 10,000 visits overall.

You can learn more about cooperation by writing or calling us.

Doctors provide teaching for patients who wait on topics of healthy way of life including proper dental care.

Children from a psychoneurological boarding school waiting their turn to be examined at MCOW.

MCOW visits many different locations in Ukraine providing help to a wide variety of people.