At the end of the week of July 29thth employees of ICF “Gift of Life” Nataliia Tytska, Svitlana and Kateryna Kolesnyk and Inna Rudzik decided to change the everyday atmosphere and get filled with positive impressions and enjoy a scent of different herbs and flowers on lavender field which is located not far […]
“Dobryden!” and “Khrystos voskres! Voistynu voskres” were new greetings uttered in the halls of Bethel Lutheran School in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. These Ukrainian phrases for “Hello” and the traditional “Christ has Risen” Easter greeting, along with the signature sky blue and yellow colors of the Ukrainian flag were among lessons learned by the grades […]
My name is Tania. I am the child of immigrants from the Ukraine. My parents arrived in the United States in 1951. They were blessed with Christian sponsors who welcomed them in Mississippi. Their sea journey from Germany to America was long and harrowing but did not compare to their life during World War II. […]
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Ukraine! The morning of February 24, 2022 became a shocking reality for all Ukrainians. I remained calm, but there was only one thought in my head – what will happen next? War? Is this really the reality? That morning I even managed to go all over Kyiv to work […]
Reprinted from the March 17, 2022 issue (Vol. 137, No. 38) of The Oregon Observer, Oregon, WI Helping from afar Prayer service at Oregon church helps fund Ukrainian humanitarian, relief efforts KIMBERLY WETHAL Staff reporter When Nick and Kerri Laper left Ukraine for an international vacation in mid-February, they had pondered to their travel agent […]
My name is Maria. I have been part of the Gift of Life family, working as the accountant, since 2016. The morning of February 24, 2022, became a point of no return for me and my country. For two months now, my people have been fighting for the very right to exist with an enemy, which is many times greater in number and capabilities.