®International Charitable Fund "GIFT OF LIFE"

Ukraine Crisis Fund Accounting April 19 2022

April 19, 2022

Dear Donors:

Our thanks and appreciation for your support of this ongoing project. To date: $34,000.00 has been sent to Poland for aid purchases and distribution in Ukraine. $12,000.00of the $34,000.00 was sent from the Gift of Life operational budget, in cash, to Polish partners in Lviv. This “leap of faith” ensured viability and accountability of the project for clients who come to centers in Ternopil and Krementz and come to Medical Clinic on Wheels for services and other legitimate organizations. Aid is accompanied with an evangelism outreach inviting refugees to church and Bible studies provided at the life centers, with directions to locations. To God be the glory!

Following is a present accounting of funds, to ensure our generous donors, as to use of funds. Receipts for purchases have been provided by Marcin.

Please continue to pray for all in Ukraine.


Director: Gift of Life, Ternopil, Ukraine

Ukraine Crisis Fund Account from Marcin A. Kuhiwczak

Shipment 1 closed out at $6715.92 with transportation (additional $2122.55 was spend from our funds)

Shipment 2

Product Cost in PLN Cost in USD Exchange Rate
Instant soups 4,918.32 1,157.25 4.25
Personal hygiene 4,850.24 1,141.23 4.25
Shower gel 1,442.40 340.99 4.23
DHL to Nick 245.00 57.92 4.23
Underpants 8,002.74 1,891.90 4.23
Energy bars 8,497.62 2,008.89 4.23
Cheese 9,808.08 2,318.70 4.23
Canned meals 6,335.04 1,497.65 4.23
Milk 1,200.96 286.63 4.19
Flavored Milk 2,736.00 652.98 4.19
Donation for transportation to Lviv 500.00
Total 48,036.40 11,854.14

I’m enclosing all receipts if you don’t have any objections, I’m considering it as closed.

Cash Balance as of 3/15/2022 $ 5,284.08
Transfer $ 10,000.00
Transfer $ 12,000.00
Shipment No 2 $ (11,854.14)
Funds Balance as of 4/14/2022 $ 15,429.94



Shipment 3
All numbers are tentative

Product Cost in PLN Cost in USD
Meals in jar x3 10,465.20 2,497.66
Tea & coffee 8,543.28 2,068.59
Fruit puree 3,405.60 812.79
Dry milk 10,000.00 2,364.07
Cereal 8,609.43 2,064.61
Canned meat 10,000.00 2,364.07
Hygiene products 3,000.00 709.22
Donation for transportation to Lviv 500.00
Total 54,023.51 13,381.01


Funds Balance as of 4/14/2022 $ 15,429.94
Tentative Shipment 3 $ (13,381.01)
Funds Balance as of 4/19/2022 $ 2,048.94


Please let me know if you may have any questions or concerns.
Sincerely, Marcin A. Kuhiwczak

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