®International Charitable Fund "GIFT OF LIFE"

Ukraine Crisis Fund – Shipment 5

Praise the Lord! The 5th shipment arrived July 5th after a long delay due to changes in paperwork required by the Ukrainian government regarding the import of aid. 13 pallets of food aid and hygiene products, diapers and other.

Pictures of Shipment 5

Contents of Shipment 5:

Name of an item Q – ty
1. Coffee Inka “Classic” in boxes 72
2. Coffee Inka (with vitamins) in glass jars 90
3. Tea “Minutka” in bags 288
4. Tea in granules “Ekland”  with vitamins(300g) 720
5. Soybean cutlets (100g) 896
6. Pasta (250g) 1152
7. Porridge (500g) 1152
8. Flavored milk 3240
9. Meat in cans “Pschysmak” (300g) 1224
10. Meat in cans “Tyrolska” (300g) 528
11. Instant noodles (66g) 1980
12. Powdered milk “Mlekovita” (500g) 672
13. Pate with chicken meat and tomatoes “Profi” (131g) 912
14. Jam “Lowicz” (260g) 384
15. Beans “Pamapol” (500g) 960
16. Buckwheat (500g) 700 kg
17. Rice (1 kg) 720 kg

Pictures of Shipment 5

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